Deconstructing Zionism

Deconstructing Zionism
CC5, 12:15-13:30

April 15th, 2024

Azar Dakwar is researcher of Palestine/Israel and PhD candidate in political and social thought. His presentation is titled: What is the problem with Zionism from a Palestinian standpoint? Please consider watching this video beforehand:

Janneke Stegeman is a biblical scholar and public theologian. She teaches at VU University in the Emoena program on interreligious leadership. Her presentation is titled Christian Zionism in the Dutch Context. Please consider watching this video beforehand:  What is Christian Zionism?

Anya Topolski is a philosopher at the Radboud University who works on the race-religion constellation in Europe. Her presentation is titled Is Antisemitism the Father of Zionism? Please consider reading this text beforehand: Antisemitism and Zionism: The Internal Operations of the IHRA Definition