How to help students at the encampment

If you have been following the student protests in support of Palestine, and are wondering how you can help, this page is for you. We understand that not everyone has the same commitment, abilities, know-how, or time and resources to be able to help. For this reason, we have listened to the students and gathered different ways in which they have expressed they can use our help. This page lists what you can do.

Ways to help the students in their struggle to get Radboud to disclose, boycott, and divest from Israeli institutions:

This list is non-exhaustive and will be edited and updated periodically as events unfold.


Collecting experiences of social unsafety re: talking about Palestine on campus

While social unsafety is used as a way to smear the student encampment and other student-led actions to pressure the University to disclose, boycott, and divest, many students and employees who do want to talk about Palestine and the importance of these demands experience a lot of pressure to stay silent. A socially unsafe situation has been created, where people are scared to speak out due to intimidation by CIDI as well as (well-meaning) colleagues warning them that speaking out may hurt their careers.

We want to collect your experiences so that we may have evidence to refer to when adressing this issue of social unsafety with the University leadership.

Email [email protected] to share your experiences, and indicate whether you are sharing these anonymously or perhaps for someone else.